Hello All, My intro into the forum

Jun 8, 2015
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Hello, :)
Sri Vishnu Sir Namaste, I could see the notes for one stanza how about below lyrics, could anybody help me out pls
Ganachaturaya ganapranaya Ganantaratmane
Gaanotsukhaya gaanamattaya Gannott sukh mana se
Guru pujitaya guru daivataya Guru kulasthaine
Guru vikramaya guiyya pravaraya Gurave guna gurave
Gurudaitya kalakchhetre Guru sarma sara radhyaya
Guru putra paritratre Guru pakhanda khanda khaya
Geeta saraya geeta tatvaya Geeta gotraya dheemahi
Gudha gulfaya gandha mattaya Gojaya pradaya dheemahi
Gunadhitaya gunadhishaya Guna pravishtaya dheemahi
Please don't call me sir,I'm a student just like you..
So you need the notes for the next stanza,isnt't?

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