How to register in ..?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
I got a few mails asking for a helping hand to get registered in our small community.
Here are the steps to get registered in

(1) Click following link. it will open up a window and in that you can enter requied details.

(2) Check the 'check box' I have read and agreed to abide by rules (in the next page)

(3) Select a user name of your choice, password and email address. Now you will have to enter the letters shown in the image. This is used to make sure that you are a human being, not an automated machine.

(4) click on button 'complete'

(5) Now you can login using user id and password. But if you want to post messages, you will have to open your mail box and click on the link send to you to activate your account in

(6) If you are unable to post even after reagistering and successfully activating your account, please try to use Firefox browser. It is absolutely free and can be downloaded easily.

(7) If none of the above steps work, drop a mail to [email protected]
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